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Professional Foot Trimming

John Dawson MRCVS, BVMS, Cert CHP, Dip Cattle Footcare & Celia Maddock MRCVS, Dip Cattle Footcare

4 - day course ( 28 CPD Hours )

The Dutch Method
Small groups for individual tuition
  • Practical ‘hands on’ course
  • Course structure includes equipment needs, maintenance, and applying blocks
  • Lunch and refreshments included

The 4 day course can be the basis to lead to the diploma. After attending the initial course experience is gained in the field.

After trimming a further 500 feet, it is recommended you attend a Check Day where the instructors will review your technique. After a further spell of foot trimming you can return to take the examination.

The Certificate of Competence is recognised as a mark of quality and high standard. It is accepted by the NACFT and many professional foot trimmers have taken the exam.

It is vital for the veterinarian to have foot trimming skills comparable to that of professional foot trimmers.The course has been running successfully for over 20 years and more than 1000 students have attended.

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